Term and Conditions


I. Definitions:

  1. a) “Agreement” – an agreement concluded between the Organizer and the Applicant, the subject of which is the organization of Workshops for Participants;
  2. b) “Regulations” – means this document together with the annexes and constitutes an integral part of the Agreement;
  3. c) “Organizer” – means a business under the name:


NIP: 7543366192

REGON: 527546580



  1. d) “Course” – means the Organizer’s educational services specified in detail on the Organizer’s website


  1. e) “Participant” – means a person entitled under the concluded contract to participate in at least one Course;
  2. f) “Applicant” – a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality with which the Organizer concludes an agreement regarding courses;
  3. g) “Privacy Policy” – means a document published on the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com containing, among others: rules regarding the processing of Participants’ personal data;

II. General provisions, Duration of the Agreement

  1. a) The Agreement is concluded for a fixed period – the duration of individual Courses constituting the subject of the Organizer’s obligation.
  2. b) These regulations govern the relations arising in connection with the Courses between the Organizer and the Applicant and constitute an integral part of the Agreement.
  3. c) Registration for the Courses is tantamount to acceptance of the Regulations, the Course program and the fee for participation in them, as well as the Privacy Policy published on the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com
  4. d) The place where the Courses are conducted is Poland as the place where the servers are stored, but the Courses are available online.
  5. e) Agreement is subject to Polish law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in connection with any dispute hereunder.


III. Participants

  1. a) Participants in Courses must be over 18 years of age, unless the detailed course program available at sewingcourseonline.com provides otherwise.


IV. Price

  1. a) Participation in the Courses is paid.
  2. b) The cost of participation in individual Courses is always provided in the description of a given Course available on the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com
  3. c) The offer regarding a given Course, including its program and the amount of the participation fee, is binding until the end of its publication on the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com.
  4. d) The transfer title should include the name and surname of the Applicant, the name and surname of the Participant (if it is a different person than the Applicant), the name of the Course and the start date (e.g. Applicant: Anna Kowalska, Participant: Maria Kowalska, 1st degree sewing course, 12/10 .2013, Opole or Adam Nowak, Sewing course for children, October 12, 2013).


V. Application for courses

  1. a) Registration for the Courses takes place by completing the application form available on the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com (purchase of the selected course)
  2. b) When registering for Courses via the application form available on the Organizer’s website, all editable fields should be completed truthfully and with the current actual status. Providing false or inconsistent data with the current state of affairs may be considered by the Organizer as a violation of the Regulations.
  3. c) The number of Participants taking part in specific Courses is limited.

The order of applications decides about participation in specific Courses. If you register for the Courses via the form available on the Organizer’s website www.sewingcourseonline.com after the limit of available places has been exhausted, the Organizer will immediately inform the Applicant about this fact via electronic means of communication, to the e-mail address provided in the application.

  1. d) It is possible to purchase a pre-order offer. In such a case, only some of the modules marked on the offer will be available. The remaining modules will be completed within the time specified in the offer.


VI. Withdrawal from the Agreement

  1. a) The Applicant who concluded the contract by telephone or using the form available on the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com may withdraw from it without giving reasons by sending an appropriate declaration via e-mail at office@sewincourseonline.com within 30 days from the conclusion of the Agreement, unless within a period of time already participated in the Courses by this date. The e-mail must be sent from the e-mail address from which the purchase was made
  2. b) A template of the declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement is Annex No. 1 to these Regulations.
  3. c) 30 days, 100% money back guarantee covers price of product only. The refund currency is dollars, and the refund does not cover any difference in the exchange rate charged by the bank accepting the transfer.

VII. Conducting Courses

  1. a) The courses are available online and each participant can complete them at any time using a laptop, smartphone, tablet or computer.
  2. b) The Organizer provides a Course plan tailored to their topics and nature.
  3. c) The Organizer provides educational materials in accordance with the topic of the Courses via course platform, like videos, documents to print etc. 
  4. d) The Organizer is not responsible for items used by Participants that will be in their possession during the classes.
  5. e) The participant is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Regulations and follow the instructor’s instructions. The organizer is not responsible for any damage resulting from failure to comply with the Regulations and instructor’s recommendations.
  6. f) Course participants are also liable for civil and legal liability for personal and property damage resulting from their actions or omissions (failure to follow instructors’ orders) during the Courses. 
  7. l) The Organizer reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to the Courses for reasons beyond its control (for ex.: random accidents). In such a case, the Course access will be resumed as soon as the cause disappears. Access may also be suspended due to planned maintenance works, about which users will be notified via e-mail. 
  8. m) Questions regarding participation in the Courses, cooperation and other issues should be sent to the e-mail address provided on the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com


VIII. Complaints

  1. a) The Reporting Party may submit a complaint due to non-performance or improper performance of the Agreement by the Organizer.
  2. b) Complaints should be submitted in writing to the address of the Organizer’s registered office or electronically to the e-mail address saved on the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com
  3. c) The complaint should include: contact details of the Complainant, name of the Courses to which the complaint relates, description of the subject of the complaint, presentation of the circumstances justifying the complaint and the signature of the complaining party – in the case of a complaint submitted in writing.
  4. d) A complaint may be submitted within one month from the last day of the event that is the subject of the complaint. A complaint submitted after this deadline will not be considered, of which the Organizer will immediately notify the Applicant.
  5. e) If a complaint is submitted, the Organizer is obliged to confirm its acceptance electronically by sending a confirmation to the Applicant’s e-mail address and to consider the submitted complaint within 14 days from the date of its acceptance. The Organizer will notify the Applicant about the method of handling the complaint electronically to the Applicant’s e-mail address, sending information and justification.
  6. f) Filing a complaint does not release you from the obligation to pay the fee for the Courses.


IX. Processing of personal data and image rights

  1. a) Information regarding the processing of personal data can be found on the following website:


  1. b) By accepting the regulations, the participant expresses unlimited and indefinite consent to the recording and dissemination of his/her image, especially in advertising materials and online social networks. The image will be immortalized without prior notice during the Course. This consent may be withdrawn in writing at any time, otherwise being invalid.

X. Changes to the provisions of the Regulations

  1. a) The Organizer is entitled to change the provisions of these Regulations. The amended Regulations are effective from the time of their publication simultaneously on the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com, in the Course room and notifying Applicants who have concluded Agreements for Courses that have not yet been conducted.
  2. b) Applicants who have concluded Agreements for Courses that have not yet been conducted are entitled to withdraw from the Agreement if they do not accept the provisions of the new Regulations, within 14 days from the date of receipt of notification of the change to the Regulations.

XI. Final Provisions

  1. a) In order to properly use the Organizer’s website sewingcourseonline.com, including registration for Courses, it is recommended to use a device with Internet access, an application for browsing the Internet (browser) and an e-mail account (e-mail). The applicant is obliged to provide the above device and the necessary software on his own. It is recommended to use the latest, updated versions of browsers. The minimum requirements are: Chrome version 34 or higher, Firefox version 28 or higher, Opera version 12 or higher, Safari version 5 or higher. The Organizer recommends that Applicants secure the Applicant’s end device, which should be used simultaneously:
  2. i) installing reputable anti-virus and anti-spam software;
  3. ii) installing a firewall;

iii) ongoing updating of the operating system supporting the end device.

  1. b) The Organizer does not guarantee the integrity of sent electronic correspondence in the event of unauthorized action by third parties or failure to apply appropriate IT security measures by the Applicants.
  2. c) In matters not regulated in the Regulations, the provisions of Polish law, including the provisions of the Civil Code, shall apply.


Annex No. 1


Email topic: Withdrawal from the Agreement [Contract Reference Number]

[Your Full Name]

[Email Address]


[IBAN][Account number]


[Full name of account holder]


[Your Printed Name]

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